Sunday, December 25, 2011


This blog has been created by the Institute of Governance & Development and Democracy House to help all the participants who have completed or/are currently enrolled into the Youth Leadership Program be updated and keep in touch with each other, as well as the Institute.
We will be featuring some of your work, including essays, poems, pictures, videos and other art that are relevant. So feel free to submit anything to have to the following email;

Stay tuned to any news or updates! Keep in touch!

1 comment:

  1. Great idea!
    Well done DH and IGD.

    Wishing all the youth participants a very productive 2012 and hope to see you out there and active throughout the year!

    "Leadership cannot really be taught.
    It can only be learned." - H.S.Geneen

    Go forth and learn :)
    All the best.
